Pipette assemblies

Glass pipettes

Certified production, 100 years of experience, highest precision and hygiene.
At HEIM Pharma Tropfsysteme, we clean all glass pipettes using a special process. This final and additional production step is unique. Glass pipettes by HEIM Pharma Tropfsysteme are proven a billion times over and have been the first choice for generations.

Plastic pipettes

Plastic pipettes

Plastic pipettes are bite proof and therefore the first choice for administering liquid preparations to small children or animals. We offer a wide range of plastic pipettes for your needs.

Pipette assemblies: bulbs


The composition of the liquid determines the bulb material. With cosmetics in particular, the design of the finished product is just as important as the metering accuracy. For this reason we also offer the possibility of developing special solutions outside of our standard range of products.

Threaded hole closures

Threaded hole closures

Functional and visually appealing threaded hole closures complete the pipette assembly. In addition to the variants shown here, we offer our customers and partners the possibility of developing customised solutions tailored to their specific needs and product.

Push button closures

Push button closures

If you want to convince consumers that a cosmetic liquid is exclusive and precious it is important to distinguish your product from regular products in terms of how it is handled. A push button closure gives the impression that only extraordinary and sophisticated mechanics are worthy of your product. It makes your preparation something very special.